Thursday 24 January 2008

Looking forward

Last night I went to the Wickford crop, not that I really made anything! Well I did finish a LO off but the light is too poo to take a photo.Polly Paula was there and I haven't seen her since before Christmas. So we chatted and chatted and cried (sad things) and laughed ab it. I love Paula, after recent events I feel like I shouldn't like many people but I cant help loving Paula. You know when you really bond with someone?
A demo woman was there from Stamp it up. Yum yum! I was a good girl and didn't order anything but I am going to have a home party! So if anyone who might read my blog (about 2 people!) want to come I'll let you know the date when I book it.
Anyway as I sit here polishing off a bottle of wine and eating a packet of balsamic vinegar and sea salt Kettle Chips I am going to put s0something in writing. As from Monday I am going to get back on my eating good plan. I am now a fat bloater and its really not good. I feel like if I put it down here now I have committed myself, I have said it out loud. So I will eat breakfast, and not eat bread in any shape or form. I wont eat between meals, or eat huge amount of chocolate biscuits at work. I AM going to do this! And when I get to 10st 8lbs I will start running again.
So there, all said! My big fat head!


Polly said...

ha ha... '...i won't eat huge amounts of choccie biscuits at work...' PMSL!
I would Love to come to your party and get some of those yummy stamps!!! Casharoo permitting!
Lovely to see you. xxx

Cara said...

oh nina my luv you are so funny PMSL enough said my head Lol still laughing !
I will defo be at your party cant wait XX